
Components of Care

We have taken the best components of residential treatment, adventure therapy, and holistic milieu services—providing youth and families a safe, healing, compassionate treatment experience.

Counseling icon featuring a lotus flower

Individual & Family Therapy

The core of healing occurs within the context of the family. With a team of clinical experts, youth attend multiple weekly clinical sessions and families participate in weekly family therapy. We treat the whole person—and in turn, the whole family.

Teen icon featuring a smaller hand inside of a larger hand

Parent Leadership

Parenting with confidence and competence is every parent’s desire, which is why we pair parents with a highly talented coach to ensure parenting goals are met. 

qEEG and Neurofeedback icon featuring a stencil of a brain

qEEG & Neurofeedback

Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG) is a procedure used to measure electrical activity in the brain, allowing our clinicians to evaluate how different parts of the brain are functioning independently and together. Through this process, we are able to pinpoint which frequencies in the brain are out of balance and create personalized programming to help clients overcome challenges.

Wilderness Therapy icon featuring a compass

Adventure Therapy

By design, confronts and addresses learned helplessness, low self-worth, dependence and avoidance. Venues and specific activities—to include rock and ice climbing, backpacking, peak ascents, rafting, and mountain biking—are purposefully chosen to cultivate personal responsibility, self-worth, empowerment and connection in relationship.

Milieu & Group Therapy icon featuring a geometric triangle

Milieu & Group Therapy

An unprecedented experiential approach to daily group therapy allows youth to engage in a process that is supportive, utilizes the power of peer relationships and feedback, and promotes personal accountability. The EQ milieu is a special place—a therapeutic environment in which consistent routines are maintained and predictability and trust are fostered.

Expressive Arts icon featuring a sunburst pattern

Expressive Arts

The art of self-awareness is developed through the non-judgmental practice of art and music therapy. Through safe, soothing practices, youth learn how to express difficult emotions, self-sooth, alleviate stress and anxiety, and improve mood.

Somatic Therapies icon featuring a yoga pose

Somatic Therapies

Using yoga, movement, meditation and relaxation, these therapeutic practices cultivate body awareness and bring focus to the mind and body; providing youth the necessary tools to change dysfunctional habituated responses to stress and challenge.

Nutrition & Exercise icon featuring a person biking

Nutrition & Exercise

Physical fitness and healthy nutrition are instrumental in the management of mental and emotional health. Each youth participates in these holistic practices daily, not just learning about their value, but also experiencing it every day.

Academics icon featuring an open book with the world inside of it

Academic Learning Lab

Equinox has an academic lab that is conducive to learning and helps kids learn at their own pace or by partnering with local private educators for accelerated, specialized, or one-to-one scholastic opportunities. Keeping homework out of the home eliminates stress not only for the student, but for the whole family.

Life and Social Competency Development icon featuring a person as a tree trunk holding others

Life & Social Competency Development

We help young people to address 6 core competencies relevant to managing their communication and social skills--allowing them to navigate friendships, life choices, challenges, and opportunities while transitioning from adolescence to adulthood.

Supported Living Apartments icon featuring a hand holding a home inside of a heart

Supported Living Apartments

Equinox ensures that young adults have the ability to “launch” and transition effectively into day to day life--offering support to move through various levels of care based on their need for daily structure, therapeutic intervention, independent living support, and management of psychiatric symptoms. (Ages 18-28 Only)

Vocational Development icon featuring a pair of hands holding a cog wheel

Vocational Development

Our program provides assistance with both hard and soft skills such as: resume development, job readiness, career exploration, steps toward achieving educational and vocational goals, employee/employer communication, filling out applications, interviewing and sustaining engagement in school or work environments. (Ages 18-28 Only)

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