
Why We Are Different

The right treatment environment, with the right team, is key for effective and sustainable results.

Breaking Barriers in Mental Health Treatment

At Equinox Counseling & Wellness Center our extensive backgrounds in residential treatment, psychiatric hospitals, wilderness therapy, and outpatient treatment provide us with in-depth expertise to skillfully integrate the value of each of these settings into our specialized treatment facility. Our unparalleled programs provide families with a new level of care within the continuum of traditional therapy and out-of-home treatment. The results are refreshing, sustainable and life-changing.

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The Problem

It’s likely that you’ve arrived here because your child and your family have cycled through countless treatment providers, therapeutic resources, wilderness or residential programs, and perhaps even multiple hospitalizations, IOP or PHP programs.

You’ve done this only to have your child and your family revert to old behaviors and disruptive patterns in your home. We know this because many of the families who come to us share a similar story, and despite multiple treatment efforts have been unable to realize the results they’ve been looking for and deserve.

Unfortunately, many young people are still referred to these programs for lack of a better option, when what they really need is a higher level of care and support, but in the environment in which they actually need it…. in their home, schools, and communities. We fill that gap.

Our Solution

At Equinox, we believe some kids need out-of-home placement some of the time, but most don’t need it most of the time. We’re on a mission to disrupt the cycle of multiple providers, families living in chronic distress, ineffective behaviors, and unsustainable changes.

Family Level Healing is our foundation. We believe families that learn, grow, and change together, heal together. We understand how the psychiatric, emotional, and behavioral issues are at play with one another and truly treat the root cause of these problems. We also understand that parents are not the cause of the problems their child is experiencing.

Our therapeutic approach is truly, and uniquely different. We are a one-of-a-kind intensive, milieu-based treatment program, one that utilizes a scaled level of intensity, replicating the best elements of residential treatment and wilderness therapy in an intensive outpatient setting. We do this to help you and your family achieve breakthrough progress and sustained results.

“We felt such heartache when our son, and our family hit the wall. The impact on our family was painful and causing extreme distress. We needed intervention to change.”

- Reflections from parents of 17-yr. old boy prior to admission.

“I’m glad we have a relationship now. It’s nice and feels good. Equinox has given me the tools I need to succeed. What we as a family have gained is far superior to what we had to sacrifice.”

- Same 17-yr. old’s reflections upon graduation

Families are Meant to be Together

But Things Can't Stay the Same in the Home

Sending young people to an out-of-home treatment program is a very hard decision, which is why we take it very seriously. Wilderness therapy and Residential treatment programs are necessary for some youth and young adults, some of the time, but are not necessary for most, most of the time. To sustain real progress, while youth and young adults are learning and changing, parents and siblings are engaged in a parallel process resulting in family level healing.

Mom walks with her teenage son and daughter on either side of her

Restoring Parental Leadership

Wrapping the Entire Family in 360° of Support

The essence of the parent coaching component of our program is that we partner with parents to establish and restore parental leadership. The youth and young adults we treat require a strong and well-coordinated support system. Guided by our parenting principles, we integrate what parents, and their kids are learning, so there's continuity and consistency in parental and family relationships. This provides an entirely new level of partnership and communication from what our clients have ever experienced. We work hard to understand your family's values, so we can help your family live those out...together.

Parents lean against the kitchen counter

We Treat the Whole Person

Using the most advanced methods in the most innovative environment

The complexities of treating psychological, emotional, and behavioral health issues require more than psychotherapy and medication management. We use all the best tools and modalities to incorporate a whole person approach to achieve mental, emotional, physical, and social wellness. Therapeutic progress is made when the mind and body are regulated, a state that enables young people to access the important skills and information they're learning. Because the mind and body are connected, we treat the whole person, which includes nutrition, fitness, meditation, yoga, expressive arts, and more.

Young woman sits crossed leg in a chair while meditating
Mary Marcantonio, Founder and CEO of Equinox Counseling & Wellness Center

"There is hope and you can find the help you need."

You’re looking for help and we’re glad you found us. If nothing else, we hope you will read this heartfelt letter from our Founder and CEO, Mary Marcantonio. 

Proof of Success →

Components of our Program →

Don’t just try something new, experience results.